
ATCP Engenharia Física

ATCP Physical Engineering is specialized in test instruments based on frequency analysis for power ultrasonics and materials characterization.

Our strength lies on the ability to integrate applied physics with electronics, computing and mechanics, supported by an experienced, skilled and highly motivated team.

Mission: Development, manufacturing and commercialization of test instruments for power ultrasonics and materials characterization that facilitate our customers activities and provide a high return on investment, ensuring value creation and business growth.

Vision: To be a global benchmark of excellence in test instruments for power ultrasonics and materials characterization.

Values: Creativity, quality and integrity.

ATCP Physical Engineering is a spin-off company of the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil) and was founded on July 16, 2000.

Owner and director
Antônio Henrique Alves Pereira

ATCP is run by co-founder Henrique Alves, who is responsible for daily operations, leading new products development and strategic planning. Alves has a PhD in Material Science and Engineering (UFSCar, 2012), a bachelor's degree in Physics (UFSCar, 2002) and a technician’s degree in Electronics (CETEV, 1997). He has been working with power ultrasonics and instrumentation for the past 20 years.

Association membership